We will be compiling lake level information and putting a link to it here in the near future.  In the meantime, there is more info here.

Click here for the latest lake level measurements.

You can mail your dues to: 

Dennis Creedon
 14070 Ashurst Street
 Livonia, MI 48154

Please make checks payable to: WLHA


Boat Dock Information:

Numerous docking areas are becoming hazards due to the lack of maintenance.  All docking areas must be maintained or they will be considered abandoned.  Those that are determined to be abandoned will be torn down.  Docks must have a posted sign with the lot number.  The sign must be clear and visible.  ​​

​Information Needed!

We are trying to put together a list of names, addresses, phone numbers and emails of all the homeowners in the 2 subdivisions.  We wanted to compile this information in case someone noticed damage or other problems that might occur at your address.  This would allow everyone to communicate with each other.  When the data has been compiled it will be made available to all paid members upon request..    This is voluntary.

Woodstock and lakepoint homeowners association

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